Thursday, May 25, 2017

About Me

I like Pineapple and Canadian bacon pizza. I also like Pepperoni and Black Olive. Plain Cheese is also good for me.

Purple and teal are my favorite colors.

I like daffodils, violets, hyacinth and roses most, but really all flowers are awesome.

I have loved Squirrels since I was four. I also think Hippos are amazing, love Dogs and adore Otters.

I still want a pony.

I love the rain.

I can get a sunburn in just 5 minutes of direct exposure.

I am afraid of growing old with no one to help me/take care of me when I get there.

Sometimes, I don’t think many people would notice if I were to disappear.

I abhor conflict.  I will avoid it whenever possible, often to my own detriment. I let people get away with things, because confronting them with the issue is more uncomfortable than letting it go.

I have, for as long as I can remember, wanted to be a mommy. I was excited to grow up and get to be pregnant and bring a baby home from the hospital. The only regret I have in my life is not being a mom.

I wanted to be an actress. Not necessarily famous, but a working actress. I have a degree in theatre, but I haven’t been to an audition in 10 years. I think my dream died with my dad.

My dream now? I would like to make a living writing. However, I have no illusions about quitting my day job and spending my days writing the next Great American Novel. Bills have to get paid. I am not sure if that speaks to my work ethic, or being pragmatic.

I believe in freedom of speech. For ALL people on ALL sides of every fence. I believe in the right to peaceful protest. When your protest is no longer peaceful, you forfeit that right.

I believe that if civilians would follow the instructions of the police, even if you are innocent of any wrong doing, there would be far fewer shootings involving officers. If a police officer (I don’t care if he or she is Black, White, Hispanic or Purple) tells you to drop what is in your hand and get down on the ground, just freaking do it.  If you are innocent, the logical thing that will happen next is that the officer is going to thank you for complying with their order, probably apologize for the inconvenience, and let you go on about your way.

I think that political parties could actually learn a lot from each other if they could just drop the ego and actually listen to one another.

I believe in the right to bear arms. I also believe that ammunition should not be available for purchase on the internet, and that anyone seeking to purchase a weapon should have to pass a background check, and a gun safety class before ownership.

I feel that, overall, public education is still the best place for children to learn. I think that teachers are underpaid and overworked, and that testing is NOT an adequate measure of a child’s growth, learning, or aptitude.

I think everyone deserves to make a living wage. That said, if you raise the minimum wage, then I think all other workers should get an equal raise. So, if I make $20.00 an hour now, and they raise minimum wage by $5.00, I should then be making $25.00. It’s not likely to happen, but in my perfect world, that is how it would work.

I think that every woman has the right to choose what happens to her body. That said, I think if you are coming in for your 8th abortion in less than 2 years, you are now using it for birth control, and should really think about your choices.

I think that every family that wants a child and passes the home study and the back ground check, should be able to adopt.  I don’t think charging thousands of dollars to do exactly what social services is begging people to do should be illegal. Parents are good people? They can provide for the child? Great, give them a kid, don’t make them go bankrupt just getting through the application process.