My heart is full of hurt today. The pain and suffering that
humans subject one another to has become increasingly overwhelming. We, as a
species, have decided that the best way to combat violence and intolerance is
with more of the same. How can we ever learn to accept our differences, if we
cannot see our similarities?
I am not a politically minded individual. I prefer not to
discuss politics, especially with my friends, as it often leads to heated
exchanges, hurt feelings and damaged relationships. I will not unfriend
someone, simply because their political view differ from my own.
I am a straight, white, middle class woman, raised in the
suburbs by straight, white, middle class parents. We had more than some and
less than others. My honest self has felt heartbreak for those with less, and jealousy
for those with more. I will not unfriend someone simply because their economic
situation differs from mine.
My spiritual views are my own. I was baptized in the
Lutheran Church, and raised in the Methodist Church. My family consists of
members of the Catholic, Protestant, Non-Denominational Christian, LDS, Jewish,
Buddhist, and Pagan faiths. I will not unfriend someone whose faith differs
from my own.
I am well educated. I have a Bachelor Degree from a State
College. My father had Masters Degrees, my mother had a Bachelors, as does my
sister. My family is lucky in that we could afford to take out loans to pay for
higher education. Some folks have less education than I do, others more. I will
not unfriend someone based upon their degree of education.
I will, however, unfriend someone based upon their propagation
of hatred.
No one, regardless of their skin color, sexual preference,
spiritual beliefs, political leanings, or education, deserves to have their
life taken from them in a violent act. Violence is cowardice and animalistic.
It says that the perpetrator is too afraid of their position to open a dialogue.
It says that the baser instinct of aggression has won out over the rule of
logic and thought, which separates the human race from other members of the
animal kingdom.
We all matter to someone.
The black men who were shot by law enforcement officers were somebody’s
child. The officers that were shot by snipers were also someone’s child. They
are fathers, brothers, husbands, uncles and friends to people whose lives will
never be the same again. The people in the night club in Orland each mattered
to someone, as did the folks who lost their lives in Bagdad, Paris, Bangladesh
and Turkey.
Don’t be that person who propagates hate, and says that
someone else doesn’t matter. Because that, that is something that I will
unfriend you for.